lost and found

Breathing new life into lost photographs

Month: February, 2018

Good Morning Miss Rogers

Good Morning Miss Rogers

Postcard measuring 3×4″, I’m not sure where I found this one. The message on the reverse looks half finished, it reads ‘Good Morning Miss Rogers we have just come up to Scarborough to see    ‘  the card doesn’t have a postmark or stamp, I do hope Miss Rogers received it. Miss Rogers’s address was The Liliacs, Wharf Road,Ellesmere. 

Cheap Jack’s Calcutta

Cheap jacks

This small photograph (2.25″ x 3.25″) was lodged in between a pile of postcards in a Shropshire antiques shop. It looks as though Cheap Jack was using photographs as a business card to advertise his studio and stores in Salboni, Midnapore, Calcutta. The reverse of the image has Cheap Jack & Co stamped on it.  Unfortunately I could not find any record of Cheap Jack’s online.